CISC Semiconductor Design+Consulting
CISC Semiconductor Design+Consulting is a fabless design and consulting service company for industries developing embedded microelectronic systems with extremely short Time-To-Market cycles. CISC Semiconductor is located in Klagenfurt, Austria - in the middle of the High Tech Region "Silicon Alps". Focused on Automotive and Telecom applications CISC provides modeling, simulation, verification and optimization of heterogeneous embedded microelectronic systems. Being an independent venture financed company CISC furthermore is able to provide not CAD market driven information and technology for individual company solutions. CISC by itself has developed design techniques for modeling and simulation of mixed analogue/digital integrated circuits. Furthermore technologies developed by CISC allow integration of structural and behavioural hardware realizations together with operating systems and application software to guarantee full coverage of all implementation levels with any design step. CISC is involved since its first days in long term collaborative R&D projects with all major European semiconductor companies.