Umberto Gatti
fon +39 02 27337415
fax +39 02 43888593

ICM N MN PG DTC Centro Gorki - Piano 3 - Corpo B Via Monfalcone
I-20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI)
Siemens Information and
Communication Networks S.p.A. (SICN)
Siemens Information and
Communication Networks S.p.A. (SICN)

Siemens Information and Communication Networks S.p.A. is a Telecom manufacturer, founded on November 1999 after the splitting of Italtel S.p.A. and the acquisition of the 100 % share of Telematica. At the moment the new Company hires 8000 employees of which 1000 are assigned abroad. Siemens ICN is based in Milan with 3 industrial plants in Italy, 1 in Germany and more than 1300 graduated engineers engaged in research and innovation. The new company is strongly market oriented. Thanks to its human and technological potential, it is able to find synergies with the ICN division based in Munich and USA headquarters.

Today the company interests are focused on Transport (fiber and radio) and on Mobile Networks as well as in personal communications. It is among the foremost suppliers of mobile networks in the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, in Iran, Spain. Its transmission systems are widely installed, from Eastern Europe to the Far East and to South Africa.