Poster Exhibition

Within the Poster Exhibition we will have posters concerning the following scientific contributions:
A Methodology to Use Classical IP Blocks in 3D Circuits Download Presentation |
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig (TU Dresden) |
Robustness Evaluation of Embedded Software Systems | W. Lu (U Stuttgart), M. Metzdorf, D. Helms (OFFIS), M. Radetzki (U Stuttgart), W. Nebel (OFFIS) |
Shared-memory Communication in Distributed SoCs on Multi-FPGA Systems | M. Müller, O. Brandel, W. Fengler (TU Ilmenau) |
Fully Coupled Circuit and Device Simulation with Exploitation of Algebraic Multigrid Linear Solvers | B. Klaassen, T. Clees, M. Selva Soto (Fraunhofer SCAI), C. Tischendorf (U Köln) |
Impact Estimation for Design Flow Changes | R. Koppe, S. Häusler, F. Poppen (OFFIS), A. Hahn (U Oldenburg) |
Furthermore we will have one demonstration according to the talk on May 11, 11:15 am:
Virtual Prototype of a Fibre-optical Gyrosensor with SystemC-AMS | S. Rieke, O. Waydhas (Northrop Grumman LITEF) |
Besides these reviewed contributions to edaWorkshop11, the poster exhibition will show posters and demonstrations of all EDA projects funded by BMBF within IKT 2020.