2022/11/28 - 16:16 |
Success Story: Software-driven CPU implementation |
2022/08/19 - 20:04 |
Scale4Edge @ 2022 IEEE 35th International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC) |
2022/06/21 - 12:32 |
Bringing TinyML to RISC-V With Specialized Kernels and a Static Code Generator Approach |
2021/05/14 - 10:03 |
Exploring Static Code Generation and SIMD-Acceleration for Machine Learning on RISC-V by Rafael Stahl, Technical University of Munich @RISC-V Forum on "Developer Tools & Tool Chains" on June 2, 2021 18:05 CEST |
2021/05/04 - 16:35 |
RISC-V Summit 2020: Tutorial with OpenHW and Silicon Labs |
2021/03/16 - 15:39 |
Scale4Edge Partner MINRES @ Accellera's SystemC Evolution Fika |
2021/03/15 - 19:31 |
Scale4Edge Projektpartner TU Dresden gewinnt den Pilotinnovationswettbewerb "Energieeffizientes KI-System" |
2021/02/25 - 08:58 |
Join Scale4Edge Session on April 28, 2021 20:15 CET |
2020/11/04 - 19:20 |
Presentation at RISC-V Summit 2020: Scale4Edge project introduction |
2020/09/22 - 08:52 |
3rd Workshop on RISC-V Activities |