edaWorkshop16 - Call for Papers available!

Hannover - The Call for Papers of edaWorkshop16 (May 11-12, 2016 in Hannover) has been announced these days. Industry und Academia are invited to submit their contributions until January 27, 2016. Besides scientific contributions also application or economically oriented papers as well as reports on experiences or dissemination in the industrial environment are welcome. (Please note: This year, the conference language will be German.) Further information.
This year the edaWorkshop will be organized by edacentrum together with the GI/GMM/ITG RSS Steering Group for "Computer-Aided Circuit and System Design" and is supported be the BMBF.
Submit your ideas and results in form of a contribution for the edaWorkshop until January 27, 2016! Further information on the call is to be found here.