White Paper, Studies and Analyses

The edacentrum contributes at irregular intervals to the preparation of research studies, conference reports, analyses and white papers about the EDA field.
Studien, Analysen und White Paper
Das edacentrum arbeitet in unregelmäßigen Abständen an der Erstellung von Forschungsstudien, Konferenzberichten, Analysen und White Papern rund um den EDA-Bereich mit.
White Paper (2019)
Following the general trend, the edacentrum is also involved in the production of white papers in the EDA environment in which an overview of EDA methods and tools is given. The white papers in which the edacentrum was involved include:
White Paper "Automotive Virtual Prototyping Platform"
(Created by the working group "Virtual Platforms" of the Automotive Working Group and published on December 12, 2019 at the general meeting of the edacentrum. The white paper can be downloaded free of charge here on the edacentrum-Webseite after leaving your name and e-mail address.
TRACE White Paper
The document "Enabling Intelligent Mobility and lnfrastructure by the Development of a Technology ReAdiness Process for Consumer Electronics" presents not only the project approach but also many results of the CATRENE-Projektes TRACE, which were developed between October 2016 and May 2019. It is aimed at experts from the fields of automotive electronics, semiconductors and reliability. The whitepaper can be downloaded free of charge here on the edacentrum webseite after leaving your name and e-mail address.
"Berliner Protokoll" (2010)
The Berliner Protokoll (German only) is the quintessence of the VDE / ZVEI expert panel that has been generated as a result of a survey of executives in the semiconductor industry, their suppliers and customers in the spring of 2010. The Berliner Protokoll is to be tested in the future on its sustainability and serves as a roadmap for organizing associations. With their "Berliner Protokoll" the VDE and the ZVEI associations have made significant contributions to the discussion of the importance of microelectronics as a driver of innovation and productivity.
EDA Trend Reports (2002-2008)
With its trend reports from the Design Automation Conference (DAC) edacentrum provided a special service for its members and partners in the assisted EDA projects in the years from 2002 to 2006. Due to the positive feedback, this service was first extended to the Design Automation and Test Conference (DATE) in 2006. In the years 2007 and 2008, this service has resulted in the provision of the "edaTrend"-reports. These reports of DAC and DATE have been published as a PDF and in print and have been received with great interest. With the increasing broad and very quick availability of relevant information on a variety of emerging worldwide online media the benefit of edaTrend subsided, so further generating of edaTrend printed reports were renounced.
Studies on the Correlation of Design and Profit (2002, 2004)
In the two studies published in the years 2002 and 2004 on the correlation between design and profit ("Analysis of the Relationship between EDA Expenditures and Competitive Positioning of IC Vendors" by Dr. Handel Jones, CEO of International Business Strategies Inc.), the dependency between investments in design technology and the market position of companies was analyzed. (Access to the studies, for edacentrum members and partners only)