Keynote: Assessing and Mitigating Vulnerabilities to Counterfeit Microelectronics: The SAE AS6171 Standard and Other Advanced Methods

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Michael H. Azarian (University of Maryland, US)


The microelectronics supply chain is subject to pressure from many quarters, including supply shortages, the ongoing demand for higher performance and lower cost, shortened product life cycles, and global politics. These pressures increase the risk that customers will receive counterfeit or otherwise illegitimate parts. 

This opening keynote will categorize the types of counterfeit parts that threaten the supply chain.  For example, the methods for creating conventional counterfeits are typically applied opportunistically for financial gain, whereas clones and tampered parts represent a potential security threat. 

Five strategies for strengthening supply chain resiliency will be introduced: visibility, establishing buffers, agility, verification, and accountability.  Since the key to these strategies is understanding and mitigating risk, a methodology for assessing risk will be presented with reference to the SAE AS6171 industry standard.  Finally, several strategies for mitigating risk will be addressed, including risk-based testing, part authentication, and Prognostics and Secure Health Management.

Curriculum Vitae

Michael H. AzarianMICHAEL H. AZARIAN is a Research Scientist at the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) at the University of Maryland. He holds a Masters and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University.

His research is focused on the analysis, detection, prediction, and prevention of failures in electronic and electromechanical products. He has over 150 publications on electronic packaging, component reliability, prognostics and health management, and tribology. He holds 6 U.S. patents. Prior to joining CALCE in 2004, he spent over 13 years in the data storage, advanced materials, and fiber optics industries.

Dr. Azarian is chairman of the SAE G-19A standards committee on detection of counterfeit parts, which is responsible for the AS6171 and AS6810 family of standards. He is also chairman of the standards committee for IEEE 1624 on organizational reliability capability.