
The edacentrum as organisation is active in different national and international associations and committees by its employees or its members. This is for the purposes of functioning network activity. Besides, this is an imperative for the electronic design automation (EDA) to occupy a place in society, politics and industry which it earns as key to microelectronics and together with it to the products of the future.
Following a choice of associations and committees important in this sense.
Committees and associations
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
The IEEE is the worldwide biggest professional association of engineers from the areas of electrical engineering and informatics. The IEEE organizes symposia and conferences, is a publisher of various technical periodicals and supports the standardization of technologies, hardware and software by committees. Publications in media or conferences of the IEEE are highly valuated.
Co-Operation Community RSS
The co-operation community "Computer-based Design of Circuits and Systems" (Kooperationsgemeinschaft "Rechnergestützter Schaltungs- und Systementwurf", (RSS)) consists of
- the committee of experts No. 3.5 in the department 3 (Technical informatics and architecture of arithmetic systems) of the society for informatics (GI),
- the department 6 of the VDE/VDI society microelectronics, microsystem and fine work technology (GMM) and
- the committee of experts No. 8.2 in the department 8 (microelectronics) of the technical of information society in the VDE (ITG).
The aim of the "Kooperationsgemeinschaft Rechnergestützter Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (RSS)" is to promote the scientific and technical developments in the area of design and test of microelectronic products and to support the dialogue necessary between manufacturers and users of design and test tools. This is valid in particular for the dialogue between colleges, research institutes and the semiconductor and hardware industry. For this purpose numerous workshops and conferences are initiated yearly. Furthermore the cooperation community forms a forum for the discussion of the topics above in public.
The edacentrum is represented by its employees in different RSS expert groups and also in the RSS leading committee and plays by this means an active part.
VDA - Association of the Automotive Industry
Lasting and modern mobility belongs to the principal purposes of the association of the automotive industry (Verband der Automobilindustrie, VDA). The central engagement of the VDA is valid for the interests of the whole German automobile industry at national and international level. Besides, it can rely on a strong power base, because its members consist of car manufacturers, suppliers and the manufacturers of trailers, superstructures and coaches.
VDE - Association Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
VDE - these three letters stand for one of the big European associations of branches and professions of the electrical engineering and information technology (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.). An international expert's platform for science, standardization and product check - interdisciplinary, closely intertwined and unique in the world. A clenched concentration in experience, market knowledge and technological know-how.
Since its foundation in 2001 edacentrum is in intensive exchange with the press department of the VDE to help EDA and microelectronics to get a greater importance in the public. Besides, edacentrum supports the "VDE/ZVEI Symposium Mikroelektronik", taking place since 2010 with which in particular the attention of the politics should be drawn to the meaning of the microelectronics design for future electronics uses.
VDI - Association of German Engineers
Nearly 150,000 engineers are members in the biggest technical-scientific association of Europe, the VDI. The VDI "Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V." gets on nationwide and internationally as a speaker of engineers and technology. It is a charitable organisation, independent from economic and political interests. In 1856 the engineer's association was founded.
ZVEI - Central Association of the Electrical and Electronical Industry
The ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.) is one of the most important confederations of industries of Germany. It represents the interests of a high-tech branch with a very broadly diversified and extremely dynamic product port folio.