MEMS2015: Schematic Driven MEMS Design for Applications in Optics and Robotics

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Within the research project “Schematic-Based Design of MEMS for Applications in Optics and Robotics” – or MEMS2015 for short – experts from research institutions and industry are investigating entirely new methods for developing Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS). The aim is to develop the first ever universal design methodology for MEMS to close the gap between electronics and mechanics design, manufacturing, and subsequent integration into products.

Project coordination:

Robert Bosch GmbH
Tobias Böser
fon: +49 711 811 3622493
tobias [dot] maier2atde [dot] bosch [dot] com

Project management:

edacentrum GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Popp
fon: +49 511 9368 7464
poppatedacentrum [dot] de

Project partners:

Funding initial:

BMBF F&E 16M3093


Sun, 01 July 2012 - Tue, 30 June 2015


Project Information

Final Report
NL 01 2015 (PB)
NL 01 2014 (PN)

Used Abbreviations

PRProject Report
SPRShort Project Report
PNProject News
FPRFinal Project Report