TRUST-E: Trustable (Sensor-Driven) Electronics for Automotive(, Avionics) and Industrial Application

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TRUST-E LogoWith the emergence of autonomous vehicles and smart mobility, transport and road travel are undergoing a transformation. New technologies are paving the way towards easier, more efficient journeys and the goal of zero traffic fatalities. As critical tasks are increasingly transferred to vehicles and machines, it is vital to have trust that they will operate safely and reliably at all times. This, in turn, implies that the electronic components and systems in these vehicles and machines must be completely ‘trustable’ (trustworthy). Safety and reliability are non-negotiable requirements. The TRUST-E project is addressing these needs through the development of methodologies and processes for trustable electronic components, modules, and systems that can be used in automotive and aviation applications, and in industrial settings. It will prove their effectiveness by means of three ‘Digital Eye’ demonstrators, covering each of the three application areas.

Project coordination:

Siemens AG
Dr. Kai Kriegel
fon: +49 89 636-634390
kai [dot] kriegelatsiemens [dot] com

Project management:

edacentrum GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Popp
fon: +49 511 9368 7464
poppatedacentrum [dot] de

Project partners:

Funding initial:

PENTA 16ME0320K -16ME0329


Thu, 01 April 2021 - Sun, 31 March 2024


Used Abbreviations

PRProject Report
SPRShort Project Report
PNProject News
FPRFinal Project Report