White Paper “Automotive Virtual Prototyping Platform“ available!

Hanover, 12/10/2019: The white paper “Automotive Virtual Prototyping Platform“, which was produced as part of the Automotive Working Group and handed over to the BMBF at the edaForum19 in November (see picture), was officially presented by Dr. Christoph Heer, speaker of the Automotive Working Group, at the edacentrum members' meeting. The white paper can be downloaded free of charge here on the edacentrum webseite.
The white paper, prepared by the "Virtual Platforms" working group of the Automotive working group, is dedicated to the "Automotive Virtual Prototyping Platform" with the aim of improving and accelerating cooperation along the automotive value chain. It deals with basic technical topics and identifies challenges. It also lays the foundations for a common language and terminology to help all stakeholders in companies and government agencies understand the virtual platform approach for the automotive industry.
Abstract of the White Paper
90% of all innovations in vehicles are based on microelectronics. For innovation leaders in the entire automotive supply chain, it is therefore indispensable to incorporate new possibilities from the semiconductor industry and electronics into the vehicle as quickly as possible. The aim is to optimize all development processes along the entire value chain, from microelectronics and nanoelectronics to components and systems to the finished automobile.
The whitepaper conveys the basics of different virtual platform approaches and outlines their applicability for the automotive industry. It focuses on technical definitions of modeling accuracy and the interface between models. The central challenge of how models from different sources and across different levels of abstraction interact and how different vendors and partners can collaborate along the automotive value chain will be discussed. In order to increase the development and innovation speed for future automotive platforms, e.g. autonomous driving, an overarching cooperation and development cooperation on a national or European level is stimulated.
The White Paper presented at the edaForum19 event can be downloaded free of charge from the edacentrum e.V. at https://www.edacentrum.de/whitepaper-automotive-virtual-prototyping-platform. The edacentrum website also provides further information on the Automotive Working Group of the edacentrum, the edacentrum itself and the edaForum19 .