GenerIoT @ ITEA PO Days 2023

As ITEA is celebrating its 25 anniversary, a large number of high-level industry representatives and Public Authorities were invited to this year’s edition of the ITEA PO Days. They also received a special invitation to visit the exhibition and experience the impact of the ITEA projects. ITEA organised a dedicated Poster exhibition on the second day of the ITEA PO Days, 13 September, from 14:30 - 17:00 hrs, in Berlin. ITEA’s running and recently finished ITEA projects presented their results and impact (so far) at this exhibition, which was open to all attendees of the ITEA PO Days 2023. High-level representatives of the Eureka network and industry were also invited to join.

The project GenerIoT was represented by Sebastian Reiter (FZI), who presented the project to focused target groups during the guided tours of the Poster exhibition. The project flyer and the poster can be found below.