The History of the edaWorkshop

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edaWorkshop24 Fotoleiste The edaworkshop24 & ADTC, April 2024, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery

edaWorkshop23 Fotoleiste The edaworkshop23, May 2023, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery
(together with the "Day of Trustable Electronics 2023")

edaWorkshop22 FotoleisteThe edaworkshop22 & ADTC, June 2022, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery

The edaworkshop21, December 2021, digital Event - Program
The edaworkshop20, October 2020, digital Event - Program

edaWorkshop17 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop19 & ADTC, May 2019, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery

edaWorkshop18 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop18, May 2018, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery

edaWorkshop17 FotoleisteThe edaworkshop17 & ADTC, May 2017, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery

edaWorkshop16 FotoleisteThe edaworkshop16, May 2016, Hannover - Program, (German only) Picture Gallery

edaWorkshop15 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop15 & Catrene DTC, May 2015, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery.

edaWorkshop14 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop14, May 2014, Hannover - Program, (German only) Picture Gallery.

edaWorkshop13 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop13 & Catrene DTC, May 2013, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery.

edaWorkshop12 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop12, May 2012, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery. (in German only)

edaWorkshop11 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop11, May 2011, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery.

edaWorkshop10 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop10, May 2010, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery. (in German only)

edaWorkshop09 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop09, Mai 2009, Dresden - Program, Picture Gallery. (in German only)

edaWorkshop08 Picture Gallery
The edaworkshop08, Mai 2008, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery. (in German only)

edaWorkshop07 Fotoleiste
The edaworkshop07, Juni 2007, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery. (in German only)

The edaWorkshop, firstly organized in 2007 has its origin in the "Ekompass-Workshop" , which has been established in 2002 in order to exchange solution approaches for key EDA challenges. The annually springtime event served as platform for presenting results which came out of EDA R&D projects, which are supported within the scope of the Ekompass sponsorship complex of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). As organizer, the edacentrum had decided to extend the successful concept of the event to the edaWorkshop.

* Der sponsorship complex "Entwurfsplattformen komplexer angewandter Systeme und Schaltungen" (Ekompass) ihas been established by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF in order to stimulate EDA research activities dedicated to solve current and future electronic design problems. .
Aus Ekompass Workshop wird edaWorkshop

An essential innovation of the edaWorkshop is the opening of the event to the whole German EDA community. A program committee consisting of leading EDA experts from industry and research guarantees a high quality of the accepted contributions, which are published in the edaWorkshop proceedings. The edaWorkshop is organized jointly by the edacentrum and BMBF, DLR and the GI/GMM/ITG RSS Steering Group for "Computer-aided Circuit and System Design".

Ekompass-Workshop-History: 2002 to 2006 (in German only)

Ekompass Workshop 2006 Fotoleiste
Ekompass-Workshop 2006, Mai 2006, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery.

Ekompass Workshop 2005 Fotoleiste
Ekompass-Workshop 2005, April 2005, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery.

Ekompass Workshop 2004 Fotoleiste
Ekompass-Workshop 2004, Mai 2004, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery.

Ekompass Workshop 2003 Fotoleiste
Ekompass-Workshop 2003, April 2003, Hannover - Program, Picture Gallery.

Ekompass Workshop 2002 Picture Gallery
Ekompass-Workshop 2002, April 2002, Hannover - Program