Are EDA tools for Systems Architecture, ASIC Design or Agile Software Development

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Technical Session II

Are EDA tools for Systems Architecture, ASIC Design or Agile Software Development

Mikko Terho, Nokia


Nokia has traditionally used EDA tools for ASIC development on the RTL level. However currently more and more responsibility of the SoC design of traditional mobile phones is taken up by the semiconductor vendors. Handset vendors focus is nowadays on system design and software developments. How can EDA tools be used in these tasks or are they becoming irrelevant?

Nokia has used model based tools and tools using high level abstract languages to get early visibility to design choices in systems architecture and power consumption. The presentation will describe experiences in the use of Bluespec modeling to make software and hardware tradeoffs.

Nokia Software Platforms (S60 and Linux Internet Tablets) are moving to use agile software development methods and daily build lifecycle. There has been a demand to build a "Tasking Accurate and Binary Compatible" virtual platform of the core product. Ideas and the direction how to go forward in these activities will be presented.

Also, a "Virtual Platform" will be described, which could be used to improve in embedded software maintenance.


Mikko Terho Mikko Terho Vice President and Nokia Fellow Nokia Corporation

Mikko Terho heads Nokia's Intelligent Connectivity Group which focuses on the development of the innovations and prototypes for pervasive communication devices with novel internet services. He also advices as Nokia fellow other Nokia R&D Groups in the area of system design, software architecture and component selection. Terho joined Nokia in 1983 and has served since in various research and development and managerial positions within the company. Prior to the current assignment Terho was head of the Strategic Architecture group at Nokia Technology Platforms. He has been responsible for development of early WCDMA phones and the development for Nokia communicators. He is also a founding Director of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Forum Ltd and Director of Symbian Ltd.

Terho has a M.Sc. from the Tampere University of Technology. He has over 40 granted patents in the area of Wireless Communication and Mobile Internet.