Design Closure Starts With DESIGN

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Technical Session 1

The Deep Submicron Hell of Physical Design

Jacques Benkoski, President and CEOMonterey Design Systems, Inc.


Design closure is commonly viewed as an activity that happens at the end of the design process. This leads to long, expensive iterations but more importantly results in designs that waste performance, area and power. As was the case with quality, closure cannot be inspected or repaired into a product after the fact. Design closure must start at the beginning of the design process. This talk will focus on the changes in methodology that are needed to enable designers to close their designs at the beginning of the process, thereby producing significantly better designs in much less time and with lower engineering costs.

Curriculum Vitae

Jacques Benkoski Jacques Benkoski is the President and CEO of Monterey Design Systems. Under his management, Monterey has grown to over 140 employees, delivered the industry’s first complete silicon virtual prototyping product line, expanded to over 30 customers worldwide, and raised over 100 Million US$ in funding.

Prior to Monterey, Dr. Benkoski founded and headed European operations for EPIC Design Technology and then held various senior management positions at Synopsys. He previously held a number of research and management positions at STMicroelectronics in France and Italy, IMEC in Belgium, and IBM in Israel.

Dr. Benkoski also serves as the Vice Chairman of the EDA Consortium and has been a member of its executive committee for three years, during which he defined and directed the organization's first comprehensive industry outreach campaign. He received a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.