ENI²: “Defining Research Key Topics to Support Europe’s Ambition in Nanoelectronics”

Patrick Cogez (ST Microelectronics, F)
Invited Presentation - Abstract
To achieve Europe’s goal of doubling the economic value of semiconductor production in Europe in the 2020-25 timeframe, outspending competing regions of the world is not possible. We have instead to define where to focus our R&I money. The European Nanoelectronics Infrastructure for Innovation (ENI²) supports the European semiconductor sector by helping to define the research agenda of cooperative projects on technologies with high impact on economy and society, and facilitating the preparation and execution of R&D projects which address these priorities. To do so, ENI² brings together potential application requirements and expected evolutions of the enabling technologies. The talk will present the ENI² structure, the road mapping methodology used to define key research topics, and the 2015 work plan. Recent inputs to H2020 work program will be shared.
Curriculum Vitae
Patrick Cogez chairs ENI² since June 2014. After starting his career as a civil servant, he joined STMicroelectronics in 1988, where he is now in charge of innovation and external research at Crolles site. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in France, and holds a MSc. in Operations Research and a PhD in Industrial Engineering from UC Berkeley.