From Material via SOC to Systems/Platforms: The Design Roadmap in ECSEL MASP

Heinrich Daembkes (Airbus, D)
Invited Presentation - Abstract
Effective design methods and technologies are the only way to transform ideas and requirements efficiently into innovative, producible, and testable products, at whatever level in the value chain. They aim at increase of productivity, reducing development costs and time-to-market, according to the level of targeted requirements such as quality, performance, cost and energy efficiency, safety, security, and reliability. Design methods and technologies must ensure the link between the ever-increasing technology push and the demand for innovative new products and services of ever-increasing complexity that are needed to fulfil societal needs. The new ECSEL JU offers a framework in which we extend the design technologies from basic technology models via design of SOC to the final application in platforms like cars, aircrafts or communication systems. Examples of the new opportunity will be presented.
Curriculum Vitae
Heinrich Daembkes, Airbus Defence and Space, is president of ARTEMIS-IA, working on Embedded Systems and Cyber Physical systems. He was deeply involved in preparing the content of the Multi-Annual Strategic Research and Innovation Action plans 2015. The chapter on Design Technologies is coordinated by him.