Full Custom Mixed-Signal-ASICs-Development: A Determinism of Art

Peter van Staa, Director Design of Integrated Circuits Robert Bosch GmbH
Full custom ASIC-design is very specific and individual, like a painting of an artist. But each artist uses his own art-methodology, and successfull artists have reached a high output/effort ratio. Like an ASIC-designer, they use also high performant and suitable tools and techniques. What’s about the deterministic of the FC-ASIC-design? How much contribute EDA-tools and methodologies to it‘s efficiency and how can it be measured? What`s about the role of the EDA-vendors? A picture from the Automotive microelectronics will be discussed.
Curriculum Vitae
Peter van Staa was born in Osnabrück, Germany, on October 26, 1950. He studied Physics at the Universities of Göttingen and Münster, where he received the diploma in 1977 and the Dr. rer. nat. with a thesis on semiconductor physics in 1983.
Subsequently he joined the Microelectronics Division of the Robert Bosch GmbH in Reutlingen. After different management functions on CAD, IC qualification and testing today he heads the Advanced Microelectronics Engineering department, which includes the development of new tools and methods for automated IC design and EDA-support as well as technology assessement and library development.
Actually he is member of the MEDEA+ Support Group and chairs the Steering Group of the edacentrum.