Welcome to the edaForum04 website!

What is the value of EDA? - You don`t know? At the edaForum04 ultimate answers were discussed! You know the value of EDA? Great, then you will be perfect to help us, answering key questions like "EDA - simply cost or added value?", "How to meet the challenges of System Level and Physical Design?" or "How to double design productivity every year?".
At December 9-10, 2004 the third edaForum was held in Dresden.
Please take a look round this website and see the highlights from this top rating event.
Read the preface from Professor Erich Barke!
Remember the two days program and our speakers, outstanding experts in their field!
Take a look at the General Information to be reminded of the location.
And of course have a look at the picture gallery, giving some visual impressions of the last year's event.
To further improve the next years edaForum, the edacentrum would like to ask all attendees to make sure, that we got your feedback formular. It can be send by fax to +49 (511) 762-19695
If you like to be informed about next year's edaForum, just send us a request including your email address to edaforumedacentrum [dot] de