More EDA for a Better Future in Microelectronics

Moderator: Peggy Aycinena, EDA Confidential
As the EDA industry matures, complete with high-profile consolidations and acquisitions, the eternal question remains – should EDA customer companies develop and support their own internal CAD tools, or should they rely on the EDA vendors for those tools? The answer may vary from customer to customer, depending on each customer’s internal resources. However the answer may also depend on the customer’s view of the quality of the offerings from the EDA vendors, and the willingness of the EDA vendors to work in partnership with their customers to develop and maintain cutting-edge tools. Have recent developments across the business landscape in the EDA industry made the EDA vendors more or less responsive to the needs of their customers? Do the EDA customers believe the availability of more third-party tools will be crucial to their success going forward? This panel of EDA customers will provide their perspective on the EDA industry from a business point of view. Panellists will be some of the speakers as well as namable persons of the industry.
15 min.: Opening remarks by P. Aycinena, EDA Confidential 30 min.: Q&A – Aycinena with panelists 15 min.: Q&A – Panelists take questions from audience
Curriculum Vitae
Peggy Aycinena is a journalist based in Silicon Valley, Editor of EDA Confidential, and Contributing Editor to EDA Weekly and the DACeZine. She has served as session chair at DAC and DATE, and is a member of the DAC Exhibitor Liaison Committee. Previously, she served as managing editor of Visual Studio Magazine, staff editor of Chip Design Magazine, contributing editor for in Play in EDA and EDA Nation, and editor of ISD Magazine. Aycinena's articles have appeared in print the Communications of the ACM, ISD Magazine, EETimes, and Intelligent Enterprise. She is published online in EDACafe, DACeZine, FTPonline, TechOnline, Chip Design, SOCcentral, and EEDesign. Aycinena has a B.A. in Biophysics from U.C. Berkeley and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from San Francisco State University.