Root Cause Analysis of ZRO Sources in a MEMS Gyroscope |
2016/12/07 |
Compiled Symbolic Simulation for SystemC |
2016/11/07 |
Guided Lightweight Software Test Qualification for IP Integration using Virtual Prototypes |
2016/10/03 |
Fault Injection at Host-Compiled Level with Static Fault Set Reduction for SoC Firmware Robustness Testing |
2016/10/02 |
Fast Dynamic Fault Injection for Virtual Microcontroller Platforms |
2016/09/26 |
Gate-Level-Accurate Fault-Effect Analysis at Virtual-Prototype Speed |
2016/09/20 |
Fault Injection and Mixed-Level Simulation for Analog Circuits - A Case Study |
2016/09/12 |
Efficient Checkpointing-Based Safety-Verification Flow Using Compiled-Code Simulation |
2016/08/31 |
Transformation of Failure Propagation Models into Fault Trees for Safety Evaluation Purposes |
2016/06/29 |
Automated Integration of MathWorks® Simulink® Signal Flow Graph Models into Synopsys® VirtualizerTM-based Virtual Prototypes |
2016/06/23 |
metaSMT: focus on your application and not on solver integration |
2016/06/17 |
ParCoSS: Efficient Parallelized Compiled Symbolic Simulation |
2016/06/17 |
Fehlerinjektion auf Unit-Ebene zur Robustheitsverifikation eingebetteter Software |
2016/05/11 |
Constraint-based Platform Variant Specification for Early System Verification |
2016/04/19 |
Constraint-basierte Plattformvarianten-Spezifikation für die frühzeitige Systemverifikation: Systemvariabilität bewältigen |
2016/04/01 |
Combining Graph-based Guidance with Error Effect Simulation for Efficient Safety Analysis |
2016/03/17 |
Simulation of Falling Rain for Robustness Testing of Video-Based Surround Sensing Systems |
2016/03/15 |
Formal Verification of Integer Multipliers by Combining Gröbner Basis with Logic Reduction |
2016/03/14 |
Towards Formal Verification of Real-World SystemC TLM Peripheral Models - A Case Study |
2016/03/14 |
Embedded Software Reliability Testing by Unit-Level Fault Injection |
2016/01/25 |
Boosting SystemC-based Testbenches with Modern C++ and Coverage-Driven Generation |
2015/11/11 |
Lazy-CSeq-SP: Boosting Sequentialization-based Verification of Multi-Threaded C Programs via Symbolic Pruning of Redundant Schedules |
2015/10/12 |
Robustness Evaluation and Improvement for Vision-based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems |
2015/09/15 |
Fault-Injection Techniques for TLM-Based Virtual Prototypes |
2015/09/14 |
White-Box Error Effect Simulation for Assisted Safety Analysis |
2015/08/27 |
Relationship between Zero-Rate Output and the MEMS element in a Closed Loop System |
2015/08/25 |
Recurrence Relations Revisited: Scalable Verification of Bit Level Multiplier Circuits |
2015/07/08 |
Using Synopsys VCS to connect a Company’s SystemC Verification Methodology to Standard Concepts of UVM |
2015/06/25 |
Best Paper Award: Automated Generation of Synopsys Virtualizer Architectures based on Hardware Descriptions in IP-XACT |
2015/06/25 |
Parallel Simulation of a Virtual Platform for an Industrial Automation System – with MultiSim |
2015/06/25 |
A Model-Based and Simulation-Assisted FMEDA Approach for Safety-Relevant E/E Systems |
2015/06/09 |
Verifying SystemC using Stateful Symbolic Simulation |
2015/06/07 |
Framework for Varied Sensor Perception in Virtual Prototypes |
2015/03/04 |
Automation of Failure Propagation Analysis through Metamodeling and Code Generation |
2015/03/02 |
Systemmodellierung zur Fehlereffektsimulation |
2015/03/02 |
Fehlereffektsimulation mittels virtueller Prototypen |
2015/03/02 |
SystemC-based Multi-level Error Injection for the Evaluation of Fault-tolerant Systems |
2014/12/10 |
Fault-tolerant Embedded Control Systems for Unreliable Hardware |
2014/12/10 |
Fast Many-Worlds Simulation to Resolve Nondeterminism of Fault Effect Propagation |
2014/10/14 |
Fast and Open Virtual Platforms for TriCore-based SoCs Using QEMU |
2014/10/14 |
A Meta-Modeling-Based Approach for Automatic Generation of Fault-Injection Processes |
2014/10/14 |
Connecting a Company’s Verification Methodology to Standard Concepts of UVM |
2014/10/14 |
CRAVE 2.0: The Next Generation Constrained Random Stimuli Generator for SystemC |
2014/10/14 |
Simulation and Evaluation of Sensor Characteristics in Vision Based Advanced Driver Assistance Systems |
2014/10/08 |
Advanced SoC Virtual Prototyping for System-Level Power Planning And Validation |
2014/09/29 |
Runtime Fault-Injection Tool for Executable SystemC Models |
2014/09/25 |
Virtual Platforms for Model-Based Design of Dependable Cyber-Physical System Software |
2014/08/27 |
Architectural Low-Power Design Using Transaction-Based System Modeling and Simulation |
2014/07/20 |
Modellbasierte Entwicklung und Verifikation von Sensor-SiPs |
2014/07/09 |
Safety Evaluation of Automotive Electronics Using Virtual Prototypes: State of the Art and Research Challenges |
2014/06/01 |
An Assisted Single Source Verification Metric Model Code Generation Methodology |
2014/06/01 |
Fault Effect Modeling in a Heterogeneous SystemC Virtual Platform Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems |
2014/04/14 |
Industrie 4.0 |
2014/04/01 |
Towards Verifying Determinism of SystemC Designs |
2014/03/26 |
Verific-MM: Systematized Verification Metrics Generation with UCIS for Improved Automation on Verification Closure |
2014/03/25 |
HeroeS³ - A Framework for Heterogeneous Software-Intensive System Design with SystemC |
2014/03/25 |
Portierung der TriCore-Architektur auf QEMU |
2014/03/23 |
Virtual Prototyping Evaluation Framework for Automotive Embedded Systems |
2014/03/17 |
Funktionale Abdeckungsanalyse von C-Programmen |
2014/03/11 |
Semi-automatische Generierung von Überdeckungsmetriken mittels methodischer Verifikationsplan Verarbeitung |
2014/03/10 |
Modellierung effizienter Stresstest-Umgebungen für virtuelle Prototypen mit SVM |
2014/02/23 |
StML: Bridging the Gap between FPGA Design and HDL Circuit Description |
2013/12/09 |
Neues BMBF-Projekt EffektiV |
2013/11/01 |