On this website of the project we provide several opportunities to get access to the WebDAV platform for a secure data exchange within this project. WebDAV stands for "Web-based Distribution, Authoring, and Versioning" and is often used as an alternative to FTP (File Transfer Protocol). WebDAV is like a remote hard drive and it can be used very similar to a hard drive in a computer. All transfers to the WebDAV are secured by SSL encryption and a personnel login, which is your email address and a password. You may reset your password yourself at any time at https://www.edacentrum.de/user/password with your email address.
There are basically three ways to access edacentrum's WebDAV. We recommend the following methods in this order.
- ownCloud-Client download at https://owncloud.org/de/products/desktop-clients/
Recommended, if you are allowed to install software with admin rights on your computer or smartphone.
- Web-Browser (read-write access for any browser - file upload!!! by Drag-and-Drop): https://www.edacentrum.de/owncloud/
- Network-Drive (read-write access for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and higher)
We recommend to use drive letter “W:” if this is not used so far. You may use any other drive letter that is not already in use. You can do this without having administrative access to your computer. There are 3 alternative ways to connect to WebDAV using a drive letter which are described below in sections a)-c). Which one you use does not matter and depends on your or your computer's preferences.
a) Download an execute a Windows Batch file
- Navigate to: https://www.edacentrum.de/webdav/connect
- If required authenticate yourself at the website.
- A batch file is downloaded.
- Execute the batch file
- You will be prompted for your password (same as for website)
If this does not work, please try alternative b)
b) Execute the commands from the batch file manually
Please execute the following code lines one by one in a Windwos command line interface (cmd or PowerShell). Press ENTER after each line. Please replace <LOGIN> by your e-mail-address.
NET USE W: https://www.edacentrum.de/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/ /USER:<LOGIN> /PERSISTENT:YES
Now you can access the WebDAV at file://W:\<project name>. If this does not work, please try alternative c)
c) Windows Explorer GUI
- Open Windows Explorer
- Right-Click on Computer
- Choose "connect Webfolder" from the context Menue
- Choose Letter for the drive
- Insert directory: https://www.edacentrum.de/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/
- IMPORTANT: ... choose "Use Other Access Data" (otherwise your windows login is used which has no meaning for our WebDAV)
- finish
- Then it takes some seconds ...
- ... then an error message appears, which has to be ignored (Diagnosis or Close)
- ... afterwards presse "Finish" again
- ... then a login dialog appears which has to be filled in with user=e-mailadress and password
- ... go on
- ... if applicable insert the password a second time
edacentrum uses ownCloud as WebDAV implemention. You will find documentation at https://doc.owncloud.org/server/8.2/user_manual/.
There are also solutions for Linux and other operating systems at https://owncloud.org/install/#install-clients.
Answers to further questions concerning the WebDAV you get here (German only) or by your project manager.
Please let us know at edv
edacentrum [dot] de, if you have any trouble accessing the WebDAV.