edaWorkshop15 - Call for Papers

Submission of Contributions
Download the Call for Papers here.
The submission deadline is on January 19, 2015. To submit a contribution click here.
In addition to the presentation of EDA research projects and their results, the edaWorkshop aims at the publication of industrially-relevant R&D results covering topics listed below.
Expected are submissions to the following categories:
- Scientific contributions from research and industry which present new EDA research and development results
- Presentations of EDA topics of a visionary or survey character, with scientific or practical impact
- Contributions to the application relevance of and the economical impact on technical challenges or solutions
- Reports on experiences or on the dissemination of results from industrial practice
- Demonstrations of research and development results, in particular those from ICT2020 or CATRENE projects
- Presentations or sessions on R&D projects demonstrating the applications of microelectronics.
Starting this year, also submissions are encouraged which address the increasing need to consider application aspects during the design process, in particular bridging the gap in the value chain between applications and chip design.
The program committee consisting of leading EDA experts (named below) from industry and research, will review the contributions by category in order to devise a program of presentations, posters and demonstrations. Accepted contributions will be published in the edaWorkshop proceedings, which will appear in the VDE-Verlag with an ISBN. The proceedings will not distinguish between poster, presentation and demonstration contributions – all contributions are equally important to our common goal.
Conference language will be English.
Key Dates
Submission deadline: January 19, 2015
Submission of papers, go here for submission
February 16, 2015
Notification of acceptance
March 30, 2015
Submission of camera-ready papers
May 19 – 21, 2015
edaWorkshop in Dresden
Scientists and users are invited to submit contributions in due time without author and company names on five to six pages, In German or English, preferably in English, at edaworkshop/upload.
Guidelines for authors as well as the templates (Word and LaTeX) can be found here:
- Templates and guidelines for LaTeX (includes German and English)
- Templates and guidelines for Word (includes German and English)
If you urgently need an English version, please get in contact with us. The Call for Papers as a pdf for download can be found here. Conference language will be English. The duration of oral presentations will be about 20 minutes.
edaWorkshop15 Topics
Submissions covering the following topics are welcome:
Committees of the edaWorkshop
Ralf Popp
Schneiderberg 32
30167 Hannover
fon +49 511 762-19697
fax +49 511 762-19695
E-Mail: edaworkshopedacentrum [dot] de