Welcome to the edaWorkshop20 Website

The edaWorkshop20 took place on October 7 to 8, 2020, together with the third RISC-V-Activities Workshop (Link), as a purely online event due to existing travel restrictions. The registration is available online here.
In 2020 the workshop again offered a highly interesting technical program consisting of ten sessions (five of them in the RISC-V Activities Workshop) with almost 30 invited presentations and two panel discussions. The content of the Online-edaWorkshop ranged from artificial intelligence, machine learning and the computing approaches of the future to trustworthy and reliable electronics and the creation of an electronics roadmap for the automotive industry across all value chains. The detailed program of the edaWorkshop20 can be found here.
The RISC-V Activities Workshop was sponsored by edacentrum and the Scale4Edge project. As a member of the RISC-V Foundation, edacentrum actively promotes the exploitation of RISC-V research results. For this purpose, edacentrum offered free participation in this workshop (detailed program here) and its decessors.
In order to be able to offer a stimulating and entertaining program including creative possibilities for personal exchange despite the online format, we had considered the following innovations and special features:
- Continuous hourly grid: each session starts on the hour.
- Shorter presentations than in the face-to-face sessions.
- Virtual poster session "edaPoster" and for further information exchange three sessions „edaAbout“, „edaRoadmaps“ and „edaIdeas“.
- Networking will also be made possible with completely new online formats: „edaFunpark“, „edaMusic“ und „edaBar“.
For orientation there is our permanently manned online foyer „edaGuide“.
More detailed information on these special session formats can be found in the following list:
edaPoster - The posters submitted for the edaWorkshop20 will be made available to participants in advance via the website. In the session "edaPoster" the poster responsible persons will be available for questions about their posters and for further exchange. Spontaneous separation for individual discussions will be possible from here. Poster pitches are given on request.
edaAbout - This is where your questions about the edacentrum and its work are answered, e.g. "Why am I actually a member of the edacentrum?" or "What are the working groups at the edacentrum for? Information material is provided about the edacentrum, more detailed information can be obtained from selected members of staff on request. Information on EDA funding for beginners is also available on request.
edaRoadmaps - Here you can find information about the roadmaps supported by edacentrum in the field of electronics, design and applications (EDA). This concerns in particular the Electronics Circuits and Systems Strategic Roadmap (ECS-SRA), the Nanoelectronic Roadmap for Europe (NEREID) and the current status of the microelectronics automotive roadmap of the GENIAL project!
edaIdeas - In this session an exchange of project ideas is planned. Short presentations of planned R&D project ideas will provide inspiration. The session is designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas as well as the search for consortia and partners.
edaFunpark - Here participants present recent discoveries from the Internet, e.g. their favourites in fun online games. The links are shared via the chat and can be tried out spontaneously by everyone. At the same time you can exchange ideas on the soundtrack.
edaMusic - We cannot play music here (because of copyright), but we will exchange music recommendations together. You name your hot links to music and to internet radio stations (such as Radio Paradise) via the chat, which can then be tried out immediately individually. Here too, a conversation can take place via the audio channel. The links are also forwarded to the session edaBar.
edaBar - The session encourages conversation while mixing cocktails together. The participants present a cocktail recipe, their whisky tip etc. The edacentrum will present its own official "edaCocktail" and mix it live in front of the camera. (The ingredients will be communicated in advance of the edaWorkshop so that everyone can mix live at home). Access only with activated video channel and drink in hand ;-).
We offer all research projects in the field of EDA to present their results as posters (DIN A0) or as demonstrators within the exhibition. Interested parties are kindly requested to register by September 15, 2020 at the following e-mail address: edaworkshop(at)edacentrum.de.
We will publish more details about the event here and via mailings in due course.
About edaWorkshop
The edaWorkshop is the central German event on electronics, design and applications (EDA). It offers best conditions for publication and discussion of application-oriented EDA research results. The balanced presence of science and application creates ideal opportunities for professional exchange with scientific claim, combined with industrial benefit. Particularly noteworthy is the strong presence of leading industrial companies, which enables a wide range of collaborations to translate research results into economic benefits. If you would like to know how things are going at the edaWorkshop, take a look at one of the picture galeries from past events.
At the same time, the edaWorkshop is also the central event for the exchange of results for all BMBF-funded projects in the field of electronics, design and applications. It serves the communication between experts and the funding body and supports the transfer of results in publicly funded research and development projects (more information (Germen only)).
Since its foundation in 2007, the edaWorkshop ( to the history) has attracted more than 100 participants every year.
Use the opportunity for a professional exchange between science and application!
We look forward to welcoming you to the edaWorkshop20.
Prof. Dr. W. Nebel |