EDA Achievement Award 2023 offered as reward

Hannover, January 10, 2023: The EDA Achievement Award 2023 is now offered as reward. Propose someone or apply for it until February 17, 2023. Details (in German only) can be found in the "Auslobung des EDA Achievent Awards 2023". The reward will be lend during the edaWorkshop23 (May 8-9, 2023) in Hannover. Further Information (in German only)..

ADTC & edaWorkshop22 - Program and Registration online

Hannover/Dresden - The edaWorkshop will take place this year from June, 29-30 2022 in Dresden together with the Nanoelectronics Applications, Design and Technology Conference (ADTC). In addition to the current research projects on EDA = Electronics, Design and Applications, the event will discuss "Future European Strategy for Future Microelectronics", IPCEI projects and the latest technical results of European R&D on Trustworthy Electronics, Sustainable AI - AI for Sustainability, Industrial Electronics and Medical Devices. The registration is now possible the program can be found here.

BMBF invites to the digital conference "Trustworthy Electronics 2022" on 09-10.03.2022

In order to strengthen Germany's technological sovereignty, the Federal Government launched the flagship initiative "Trustworthy Electronics" in 2019. What has been achieved so far, how is Germany positioned in international comparison and how can standardisation and certification be advanced? These are central topics of the digital conference "Trustworthy Electronics 2022", to which the Federal Ministry of Education and Research invites you on 9-10 March 2022. The conference language will be German. Information and registration at www.elektronikforschung.de/vertrauenswuerdigkeit/konferenz

Consultation-workshop on open-source hardware and RISC-V

On behalf of the European Commission the three industry associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA, and EPoSS will organise a consultation-workshop on open-source hardware and RISC-V for its members on June 17. The consultation workshop aims to investigate research challenges on open-source hardware that could be included as Work Programme topics in the first calls of the Joint Undertaking "Key Digital Technologies" (KDT JU). (currently planned successor of ECSEL). This workshop is a first step in a process that will ultimately lead to a concrete roadmap for strengthening the European open-source hardware ecosystem. Interested experts should contact one of the offices of the three associations.

ADTC 2021: Programme online - register now!

the program of the European Nanoelectronics Applications Design and Technology Conference (ADTC) is now complete and promises a very interesting event. The ADTC will take place on June 15-16, 2021 and will will be organised as a video conference. You could have a look on the program following this >link. The Registration is now open and free of charge and also mandatory to receive your personal Teams Link. to the registration

Current projects supported by edacentrum:

  • GENIAL! Logo
  • HoLoDEC Logo
  • KI4BoardNet Logo
  • MANNHEIM-FlexKI Logo
  • Scale4Edge Logo
  • VE-VIDES Logo